What Are the Benefits of a Hysterectomy?

If you’ve been told you need a hysterectomy, you may be worried about the procedure, the recovery, and your future. These are normal, healthy emotions. And whether the path that led you to this day has been long and painful or sudden and shocking, you’ve arrived at the conclusion that the procedure is necessary. 

As you work though the questions and feelings that pending hysterectomies inherently raise, remember that there’s a silver lining as well. Dr. Khashayar Shakiba is a double-board certified OB/GYN who specializes in pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. Here at Women’s Pelvic Surgery of North Jersey, he performs hysterectomies using the most advanced technologies and the least invasive techniques. Here are the benefits of a hysterectomy.

Why have a hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy, the removal of your uterus, is never the first course of treatment. If you have pelvic issues, there are many conservative approaches that should be explored before deciding to take out this essential component of your reproductive system. But if those options haven’t solved your problem, it may become necessary.

Reasons for getting a hysterectomy include:

When these conditions can’t be controlled with other treatments, and pain and bleeding are negatively affecting your quality of life, a hysterectomy may be the best and only answer.

Benefits of a hysterectomy

In the case of a hysterectomy, Dr. Shakba removes your uterus (called a partial hysterectomy). If he removes your uterus and your cervix, it’s called a total hysterectomy. Or you may need a radical hysterectomy, which involves having your ovaries and fallopian tubes removed as well.

All surgical procedures are designed to solve or prevent problems. The benefits of removing organs in any form of hysterectomy include:

After your hysterectomy, you can look forward to relief from the painful, distressful symptoms you’ve been enduring and reclaim the joy of a life without constant worry and discomfort.

Benefits of a hysterectomy with Dr. Shakiba

No two women are alike, and no two hysterectomies are alike. Dr. Shakiba takes the time to get to know you, your conditions, and the symptoms that are unique to you. 

He never recommends a hysterectomy lightly, and he understands your concerns and fears, so don’t hesitate to ask him questions about why you need a hysterectomy, what options you have, and what to expect afterward; he wants you to be involved in every aspect of your health. 

Dr. Shakba is passionate about offering his patients the most effective medical procedures based on proven science and modern technology. That’s why he uses the da Vinci® robotic system. No matter how simple or complex your hysterectomy, he can perform the procedure with precision and accuracy, giving you the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re in skilled hands backed up by superior technology.

The benefits of a hysterectomy with Dr. Shakiba, include:

Clearly, if you need a hysterectomy, this minimally invasive, robot-assisted technique is the way to go. Dr. Shakiba is known for his vast knowledge and experience with this procedure, as well as his success rate. 

To learn more about how Dr. Shakiba can perform your hysterectomy procedure with unsurpassed expertise, call us today in Hackensack, New Jersey at 201-301-2772, or request an appointment online. Relief is closer than you think. 

Womens Pelvic Surgery

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