Interstitial Cystitis

Women’s Pelvic Surgery, LLC
Urogynecologists located in Hackensack, NJ & Upper East Side, New York, NY
If you have pain when urinating and constant discomfort in the bladder, you may have interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome. At Women’s Pelvic Surgery of North Jersey, board-certified urogynecologist, Dr. Khashayar Shakiba and Dr. Kateryna Kolesnikova can help you manage interstitial cystitis and find relief with the most up-to-date methods available. If you live in Hackensack, New Jersey or the surrounding areas, call the office or book online to learn more about treatment for this bladder condition.
Interstitial Cystitis Q & A
What is interstitial cystitis?
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition that causes painful and uncomfortable sensations in the bladder. You may have pelvic pain, bladder pressure, and pain when urinating. It occurs when the communication between your bladder and brain get confused. Usually, when your bladder gets full, pelvic nerves tell the brain it’s time to urinate. When you have interstitial cystitis, the communication comes more often, and you feel the urge to go more often with smaller volumes of urine.
What are the symptoms of interstitial cystitis?
Symptoms vary and can come and go. Sometimes, they’re similar to those of a urinary tract infection, but with interstitial cystitis, no infection is present. The symptoms include:
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Frequent urination (up to 60 times per day and night)
- Pain during intercourse
- Persistent need to urinate
- Pain between the vagina and anus
How can interstitial cystitis be treated?
There is no cure for interstitial cystitis, but it can be manageable. Episodes of severe bladder pain can be triggered by certain foods and beverages. These triggers vary from person to person, but usually coffee, spicy peppers, exotic foods, and artificial sweeteners are offenders.
If you acquire a bladder or vaginal infection, it can also cause your interstitial cystitis to flare up, so get these infections treated as soon as possible and be proactive in preventing them.
Exercise, long periods of sitting, and sexual intercourse can be triggers in some women, too. Dr. Shakiba can offer advice as to foods, beverages, and activities to avoid interstitial cystitis, and alternatives that are usually safe.
Prescription medication is available to alleviate chronic pain that doesn’t respond to lifestyle strategies. Amitriptyline is a medication that reduces the activity of pain receptors in the area, and when taken in low doses, effectively improves many women’s pain.
Botox injections into the bladder may help deactivate the nerves causing the sensations that you need to urinate frequently. Dr. Shakiba can also perform minimally invasive surgery to alleviate the pain from interstitial cystitis.
If you have painful bladder syndrome or interstitial cystitis, find relief by receiving treatment at Women’s Pelvic Surgery of North Jersey. Call the office or book an appointment online today.
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